Sunday, September 18, 2011

St. Charles Parish Police Jury--1897

13 July 1897--Police Jury met pursuant to a call issued bu President. Present, A.E. Picard, Madere, Kenner, Kuhlman and Youngs. Dr. N.C. Stephans was invited to address Jury. On motion of Mr. Picard, 2nd Mr. Madere the following resolution was adopted. Whereas complaint has been made to the Jury, to the effect that Julis Isaac, lesse of the Ferry No. 1, has on several occassions violated the Police Jury ordinances, relative to public ferries, Be it resolved that the lease of Ferry #1 to Julis Isaac be declared forfeited. On motion of Mr. Madere, 2nd by Mr. Kuhlman, the President is hereby authorized to lease Ferry #1 privately for the unexpired term. The President sold said Ferry #1 to Dr. N.C. Stephen for the sum of 50 cents.

14 July 1897--Board of Reviewers met. The protest of Charles E. Alter, owner of the Ormond Plantation in the parish against thee assessment made by the assessor of said property, was taken up and after due consideration Mr. Kenner moved to reduce said assessment from $22,000 to $18,000. No 2nd to motion. On motion of Mr. Kuhlman, 2nd by Mr. Madere the assessors figures were sustained. The protest of Mr. J. C. LeBourgeois was taken up and after due deliberation the figure of $18,000 was sustained.

The protest of the Pecan Grove Plantation property of Citizens Bank of Louisiana was taken up. Motion of Mr. Kenner the assessment of $9000 was sustained. The assessment of Davis Plantation owned by Citizens Bank of Louisiana and on the motion of Mr. Madere the assessment of $10,000 was sustained.

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