Thursday, February 4, 2010

More School News in 1883

     August 11, 1883--St. Charles Herald Newspaper

Miss Rosa Fleming, of the Flaggville school, has returned to Hahnville, and will open a private pay school for those of her pupils who are desirous of continuing their students during vacation.
     August 18,1883--St. Charles Herald Newspaper

As announced in our last week's issue, Miss Rosa Fleming, has opened a private pay school in Hahnville, where the children of the regular public schools, will have an opportunity to continue their studies during the summer months. Parents should take advantage of this school as it will prove of great benefit to their children. The prices for tuition are fixed at one dollar per month for advanced pupils and fifty cents for beginners.

     August 25, 1883--St. Charles Herald Newspaper

Mrs. K. M. Haggerty writes us from Houma, La., that she will open her private school in Hahnville on Monday, September 3rd, next.

     August 25,1883--St. Charles Herald Newspaper

We dropped in yesterday at the private school kept by Miss Rosa Fleming, located on Shaw St., opposite Col. Owen McLeron's, and was surprised to see the agreeable change made in the little building by the hand of a woman. We are pleased to see she has begun and trust that she will be encouraged in her laudable effort by a large increase in the number of her scholars.

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