Sunday, May 23, 2010

Question about a d'Arensburg.

I'm in Birmingham, AL this week and don't have all my information with me, so if someone else has an answer to the question, please let me know.

Michael wants to know which one of Karl Frederick D'arensburg's sons served in the German Coast Militia under Bernardo de Galvez during Louisiana's participation in the American Revolution 1775-1783. What year did Karl Frederick die?

I don't have the name of the book by Jack Holmes, but in 1798 Gayoso called the militia to action due to hostilities between the United States and France. One of these men was Pedro (Pierre) d'Arensburg from St. John the Baptist Parish, German Coast, age 41, robust health, single. His ranks were Carabineer on 1 July 1786 and Sublieutenant on 12 Feb 1793. He served in the Company of Distinguished Carabineer Militia of New Orleans for 5 years, 7 months, and 11 days and in the German Coast Disiplined Provincial Militia for 5 years and 11 months. He was good for his rank, supposed valor, good application, capacity and conduct.

1 comment:

  1. Hello once again, I have not checked this posting in almost a year however, thanks for the information on Pedreo (Pierre) D'arensbourg. It appears the time in which his service appears was after the death of Galvez 1786. I was looking for information on his or his father's (pierre Fredrick D'arensbourg Pere) service between 1779- 1783, period of time Louisiana was involved the American Revolution. Was hoping to establish Sons of American Revolution requirement of another possible patriot ancestor who may have served under Bernardo de Galvez.
    I did however was able to establish another French Ancestor named Mathieu Devaux dit Platillo after finding an important family document at the notarial Archives in News orleans. Story was picked up on the National PBS program history detective and was filmed last april 2010 and shown aug 30, 2010. I invite you to view program at your leisure. Title called the Galvez Papers:
    I am sure now that we all understand the significant of Bernardo de Galvez and the men who served under his command during the American Revolution many of their descendants will seek membership into either the DAR or SAR.
    I joined last June and made history in the State in which I live. who would have imagine that.
